(吸毒成瘾者)突然戒毒时的痛苦;(治疗吸毒成瘾者的)突然戒毒方法 the unpleasant state that drug addicts experience when they suddenly stop taking a drug; a way of treating drug addicts that makes them experience this state
N-UNCOUNT (吸毒成瘾者)突然戒毒时的不适;戒毒反应 Cold turkey is the unpleasant physical reaction that people experience when they suddenly stop taking a drug that they have become addicted to.
The quickest way to get her off the drug was to let her go cold turkey. 要使她摆脱毒品,最快的方法是让她彻底戒毒。
The quickest way to get her off the drug was to let her go cold turkey. 要使她摆脱毒品,最快的方法是让她彻底戒毒。
EXAMPLE: Last month I stopped smoking cold turkey, which was the only way I knew I could succeed. 上个月,我断然戒烟,这是我所知道的能成功的唯一方法。
Stopping something cold turkey is hard, so its best to replace the unwanted habit with something positive. 戒掉坏习惯很难,所以最好用好习惯代替不想要的习惯。
In the summer between tenth and eleventh grade I went cold turkey and stopped eating junk food. 在高一和高二之间的那年夏天我用冷火鸡法,停止食用垃圾食品。
Everyone has their own way of kicking bad habits, and you can either choose to go cold turkey or ease off it slowly. 每个人都有戒掉坏习惯的方法,你可以痛定思痛下决心快速戒掉,也可以慢慢除去坏习惯。
You have to stop doing many things cold turkey as a symbolic declaration to the Universe. 你不得不停止做很多事情,直截了当地对宇宙做出象征性的宣战。
The millionaire talked cold turkey to his extravagant nephew, hinting that he might be disinherited. 那百万富翁对他挥霍无度的侄儿晓以利害,并暗示其继承权可能被剥夺。
I quit smoking cold turkey. 我用突然戒烟法戒了烟。
G.M. has stated it will go cold turkey on incentives, and it has. 通用汽车公司曾宣布将要断然停止奖励办法,现在果然停了。
Far from cold turkey, the market is likely to be offered another drug. 非但没有人要一下子戒掉,市场还有可能再得到一剂“兴奋剂”。
But the day a good friend of mine died of lung cancer, I decided to go cold turkey and never light up another cigarette. 后来我一个要好朋友因为肺癌而死了。就在他去世的当天,我下定决心戒烟,从此以后我再也没有抽过一支烟。
Besides, going cold turkey has its drawbacks: for one thing, it's nearly impossible – even a cold turkey sandwich is likely to contain sugar. 另外,走向绝对有它的错误:对于一件事,它几乎是不可能的&甚至一个冷火鸡三明治也可能含有糖。
Should weaning be cold turkey or gradual? 断奶是应该一下子还是慢慢来?
I feel able to admit this, since over the course of my holiday I was able to go through cold turkey, conquer the addiction, and face the world clean. 我觉得现在我能够承认这件事了,因为在休假期间,我能够遵守突然戒除法、战胜咖啡瘾,然后清白地面对世界。
Then one day, I decided to quit cold turkey after trying everything else. 在试过其它各种戒烟方法后,有一天我决定要断然戒烟。
Well, if you want to be with me, you'll just have to quit cold turkey. 呃,你如果想和我在一起,就得断然戒烟。
From cold turkey to hypnosis, cigarette smokers have tried various methods to help kick the smoking habit. 不管是突然停止抽烟还是催眠戒烟,吸烟者已经尝试过各种各样的办法戒烟。
I heard you have to go cold turkey. 听说你一定要一次就戒掉。
She stopped smoking cold turkey. 她突然戒了烟。
He went through cold turkey to cure his heroin addiction. 他通过完全戒毒疗法来治疗他的吸***瘾。
Andy does not dare ( to) talk cold turkey to Cecily. 安迪不敢对塞西莉谈关于冰冻火鸡之事。
One day, my friend Rick went cold turkey on cigarettes. 一天,我朋友力克突然不抽烟了。
So if he's gone cold turkey. 如果他用冷火鸡法戒除。
Manuscript submitted, I went cold turkey on holiday, knowing that the headache and sluggishness of mind would be both less painful and less important while wandering around the Welsh coast. 在交稿后,我在度假时采用了突然戒除法,因为我明白,当我在威尔士海岸漫步时,头疼和精神萎靡的痛苦程度要轻得多。
John bravely kicked the habit of cold turkey. 约翰勇敢地没有借药物的帮助就断然戒掉了毒瘾。
South African zoo wants a chimpanzee to quit smoking cold turkey. 南非一家动物园要一只黑猩猩立即戒菸。
I've been trying to quit smoking for awhile now, but going cold turkey is very difficult. 我试图在一段时间里戒烟,但是突然戒掉是很困难的。
Are you going to try to stop smoking cold turkey? 你打算努力去彻底戒烟吗?
I'm talking cold turkey to you* I think it wise if your relationship has ended. 我是直截了当对你说的,我想你们的关系最好是不要继续下去了。
He quit smoking a week ago. He tells everyone that he went cold turkey for me. (他一星期前戒烟了。他见人就说他突然戒烟是为了我。)